
Samstag, 4. Mai 2013

Jim Moons Wolkenland des Wunderbaren


A faery land is this that far and high
And all suffused with tints of pearl and rose,
Above the crimson sunset hangs and glows,
By unseen hands upborne 'twixt earth and sky.
Vales long and broad and piléd mountains lie,
Upon their pinnacles eternal snows
Within its bounds; a silv'ry river flows
Across yon plain within a lake to die.

Beside that lake a city great and fair
With opal walls and palaces doth stand,
Its minarets agleam with magic light.
How high and tapering they rear in air
O'er rounded domes where banners fanned
By phantom winds wave beautiful and bright!
Clark Ashton Smith
(Quelle: eldritchdark)

Allen, die das Phantastische und Wunderbare, das Bizarre und Makabre lieben, sei hiermit ans Herz gelegt, Mr. Jim Moons Soundcloud einen Besuch abzustatten und sich dort Verse von H.P. Lovecraft, Wilfred Owen, Edgar Allan Poe, J.R.R. Tolkien und anderen Meistern vortragen zu lassen.

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